Verification and Implementation 2019
In the tradition of the VERTIC Yearbook, Verification & Implementation is a collection of analysis on international agreements for security and development. The publication brings together leading practitioners and experts from the field to explain, appraise and propose ideas for strengthening the verification and implementation of international agreements and treaties.
The 2019 volume features analysis of upcoming challenges and opportunities for verification in the nuclear, chemical and biological field; developments in national implementation measures to combat illegal fishing; and an in-depth retrospective on the training of international chemical inspectors.

Verification and Implementation 2015
Foreword – Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü
Preface – Larry MacFaul
Iran and the Evolution of Safeguards – Mark Hibbs
Securing the Front End of Iran’s Fuel Cycle – Andreas Persbo and Hugh Chalmers
In Defence of the Evolution of IAEA Safeguards – Craig Everton
The Role of Organisations Culture in Effectively Implementing Safety, Security, and Safeguards in New Nuclear Power Countries – Donald Kovacic
Investigating Multilateral Verification of Nuclear Disarmament: Fuel Cycle Modelling for Simulations – David Keir and Russell Moul
Dealing with Objections to the CTBT – Edward Ifft
Chemical Demilitarisation in Syria: An Overview – Dominique Anelli and Mehran Rouzbhani
Biological Weapons Convention Implementing Legislation and Compliance – Angela Woodward
The Arms Trade Treaty: Making a Difference – Ambassador Jo Adamson OBE and Guy Pollard MBE
Fundamentals of Cyber Security – David Clemente
Verification and Implementation 2015, .epub format (for iBooks), February 2016
Verification and Implementation 2015, .mobi format (for Kindle), February 2016

Verification Yearbook 2004
Preface – Rogelio Pfirter
Introduction: the state of play of verification – Trevor Findlay
Effective CTBT verification: the evidence accumulates – David Hafemeister
Improving CWC implementation: the OPCW Action Plan – Lisa Tabassi and Scott Spence
The lessons of UNSCOM and UNMOVIC – Trevor Findlay
Verifying Libya’s nuclear disarmament – Jack Boureston and Yana Feldman
Iran and nuclear safeguards: establishing the facts and seeking compliance – Wyn Q. Bowen
Small arms: monitoring the UN action programme – Helen Hughes
Monitoring greenhouse gases – Larry MacFaul
International systems for monitoring and verifying fisheries agreements – Judith Swan
Intelligence, verification and Iraq’s WMD – Brian Jones
Monitoring human rights treaties – Patricia Watt

Verification Yearbook 2003
Preface- Wolfgang Hoffmann
Introduction: multilateral verification in flux – Trevor Findlay
Integrated nuclear safeguards: genesis and evolution- Jill N. Cooley
UNMOVIC in Iraq: opportunity lost- Trevor Findlay and Ben Mines
North Korea: the challenge of verifying a moving target – Kenneth Boutin
Back to basics: verification and the Biological Weapons Convention – Jez Littlewood
Reviewing the Chemical Weapons Convention: gently does it – Robert J. Mathews
The radiological threat: verification at the source – Klaas van der Meer
CTBT radionuclide verification and the British Laboratory – Christine Comley and Owen Price
National implementing laws for arms control and disarmament treaties – Angela Woodward
‘Demonstrable progress’ on climate change: prospects and possibilities – Molly Anderson
Monitoring and verification of geological and ocean carbon dioxide disposal – Jason Anderson
Monitoring the Montreal Protocol – Duncan Brack
US nonproliferation assistance: verification and transparency – Michael Jasinski
Monitoring UN sanctions in Africa: the role of panels of experts – Alex Vines

Verification Yearbook 2002
Preface – Joke Waller-Hunter
Introduction: verification in the news for all the wrong and right reasons – Trevor Findlay
Recent developments in nuclear weapons verification – Nikolai Sokov
CTBT verification: technical progress versus political stasis – Oliver Meier
The OPCW at five: balancing verification in evolving circumstances – Robert J. Mathews
Continued turbulence over BWC verification – Jenni Rissanen
The Trilateral Agreement: lessons for biological weapons verification – David C. Kelly
Verifying a missile accord with North Korea – Leon V. Sigal
A role for verification and monitoring in small arms control? – Kate Joseph and Taina Susiluoto
Verification under the Kyoto Protocol – Molly Anderson
Monitoring environmental treaties using earth observation – Josef Aschbacher
International election observation – Bill Gray and Therese Laanela
Infrasound as a tool for CTBT verification – Hein Haak and Läslo Evers
The Open Skies Treaty – Ernst Britting and Hartwig Spitzer
Verification and advanced co-operative security – Nancy Gallagher

Verification Yearbook 2001
Preface – Mohamed ElBaradei
Introduction: verification under challenge – Trevor Findlay
Verifying nuclear arms control and disarmament – Edward M. Ifft
Test ban verification – Trevor Findlay and Oliver Meier
Nuclear Safeguards – John Carlson
The Biological Weapons Convention – Marie Chevrier
Verifying the Ottawa Convention – Angela Woodward
The Kyoto Protocol – Molly Anderson, Trevor Findlay and Clare Tenner
Verification mechanisms in CITES – Rosalind Reeve
Peace operations and the military dimensions of verification – Trevor Findlay
Verification of the Dayton arms control agreements – Dieter Rothbacher
Nuclear warhead arms control research at AWE – Garry J. George and Martin Ley
Non-governmental monitoring of international agreements – Oliver Meier and Clare Tenner

Verification Yearbook 2000
Preface – Richard Butler
Introduction: the salience and future of verification – Trevor Findlay
Nuclear test ban verification: work in progress – Oliver Meier
Nuclear safeguards: evolution and future – David Fischer
Verifying nuclear arms control and disarmament – Annette Schaper
Chemical disarmament: advent and performance of the OPCW – Robert J. Mathews
Verifying biological disarmament: towards a protocol and organisation – Nicholas Sims
Verification of conventional arms control – Pál Dunay
Verification under duress: the case of UNSCOM – Stephen Black
Multilateral environmental agreements: trends in verification – Clare Tenner
Verification and compliance systems in the climate change regime – Clare Tenner
Monitoring and verifying the military aspects of peace accords – Jane Boulden
Evolution of police monitoring in peace operations – J. Matthew Vaccaro
Remote monitoring from space: the resolution revolution – Bhupendra Jasani
The information revolution and verification – Andrew Rathmell
Compliance mechanisms for disarmament treaties – A. Walter Dorn and Douglas S. Scott
Intelligence in arms control and disarmament – Tim McCarthy
Societal verification: wave of the future? – Dieter Deiseroth
Peace operations worldwide, 1948-2000
Verification 1997: Arms Control, Peacekeeping and the Environment
Editor: Richard Guthrie
Publisher: Westview Press, 1997
ISBN: 0813399874
Length: 352 pages
Verification 1996: Arms Control, Peacekeeping and the Environment
Editors: J. B. Poole, Richard Guthrie
Publisher: Westview Press, 1996
ISBN: 0813390052, 9780813390055
Length: 468 pages
Verification 1995: Arms Control, Peacekeeping and the Environment
Editors: J. B. Poole, Richard Guthrie
Publisher: Westview Press, 1995
ISBN: 0813389453 9780813378455
Length: 406 pages
Verification 1994: Arms Control, Peacekeeping and the Environment
Editors: John B. Poole, Richard Guthrie
Publisher: Brassey’s, 1993
ISBN: 1857530837, 9781857530834
Length: 340 pages
Verification 1993: Arms Control, Peacekeeping and the Environment
Editors: John B. Poole, Richard Guthrie
Publisher: Brassey’s, 1993
ISBN: 1857530837, 9781857530834
Length: 340 pages
Verification Report 1992
Editors: John Brian Poole, R. Guthrie
Publisher: VERTIC, 1992
ISBN 0951748513, 9780951748510
Length 372 pages
Verification Report 1991
Editor: J. B. Poole
Publisher: Apex Press, 1991
ISBN: 0945257376, 9780945257370
Length: 288 pages