Addressing Misconceptions about chemical and biological weapons and related legal frameworks
Larry MacFaul and Sonia Drobysz
Slides, Geneva, Switzerland
13 December 2022

Statement by VERTIC to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) Comprehensive Review
Yasemin Balci
New York, USA
Statement, 1 June 2022

Legislative Implementation of Nuclear Security International Instruments in Practice
Thomas Brown
Slides, Vienna, Austria
26 April 2022

Statement by VERTIC to the Preparatory Committee for the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Thomas Brown
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 4 April 2022

Advancing BWC National Implementation in Africa, Latin America and South East Asia
NIM Programme
Slides, Geneva, Switzerland
22 November 2021

Additive Manufacturing and the Military: Applications and Implications
Grant Christopher
Slides, Darmstadt, Germany
27 September 2019

Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
Alberto Muti,
Slides, London, UK
11 February 2019

National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention: A tailored approach
Cedric Aperce
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 13 August 2018

Legislative Assessment and Drafting Methodology in support of EU Legislative Assistance Instruments
Sonia Drobysz
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 13 August 2018

Statement at the 2017 BWC Meeting of States Parties Side Event on the European Union’s Continued Support for Strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Speaking notes, 7 December 2017

VERTIC’s Statement to the 2017 BWC Meeting of States Parties
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 4 December 2017

Statement at the 3rd African Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity
Cédric Apercé
Accra, Ghana
Speaking notes, 17 August 2017

VERTIC’s approach to CBRN legal analysis and outreach
Scott Spence
Rome, Italy
Slides, 22 May 2017

The International and national legal context for safeguards
Noel Stott
Dusseldorf, Germany
Presentation, 16-18 May 2017

The International and national legal context for safeguards
Katherine Tajer
Slides, 20 March 2017

Best practices for successful BWC legislative assistance
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 29 March 2017

Biosecurity and Biosafety: Future Trends and Solutions
Scott Spence
Milan, Italy
Speaking notes, 22-24 March 2017

Verification: Theory, practices and technology
Andreas Persbo
London, United Kingdom
Slides, 17 March 2017

Prospects for Scientific Engagement and Japan’s Potential Role in the 2017-2020 NPT Review Cycle
Andreas Persbo
Tokyo, Japan
Remarks, 29 November 2016

Nuclear arms control: Proposed verification agenda 2017-2020
Andreas Persbo
Tokyo, Japan
Remarks, 28 November 2016

Statement at Eighth BWC Review Conference side event on report on national legislation
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 22 November 2016

Statement at Eighth BWC Review Conference side event on Ebola and biosecurity governance
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 10 November 2016

Statement to the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 8 November 2016

A Group of Scientific Experts for Nuclear Disarmament Verification
Andreas Persbo
New York, United States
Statement, 19 October 2016

Strategic trade control lists
Scott Spence
Bridgetown, Barbados
Slides, 4-6 October 2016

Presentation on the CTBT
Andreas Persbo
The Hague, The Netherlands
Slides, 7 September 2016

Presentation on the NPT
Andreas Persbo
The Hague, The Netherlands
Slides, 6 September 2016

VERTIC statement to the Preparatory Committee for the Eighth Review Conference of the BWC
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 8 August 2016

VERTIC statement at the 5th Consultative Meeting of the EU Non-Proliferation Consortium
Scott Spence
Brussels, Belgium
Statement, 7-8 July 2016

VERTIC statement at the Open Consultations on the Comprehensive Review of UNSCR 1540
Scott Spence
New York, United States
Statement, 21 June 2016

VERTIC: A Legislative Assistance Partner for UNSCR 1540 (2004)
Scott Spence
Miami, United States
Slides, 7-9 June 2016

Establishing legislation and regulations
Scott Spence
Lyon, France
Slides, 10-12 May 2016

VERTIC’s legislative assistance to implement UNSCR 1540 (2004)
Andreas Persbo
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Presentation, 7 April 2016

Statement by VERTIC to the 2015 meeting of state parties to the 1972 BTWC
Geneva, Switzerland
Statement, 14 December 2015

National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention
Scott Spence
San Salvador, El Salvador
Slides, 30 November – 1 December 2015

A framework for the secure development of nuclear energy: obligations and challenges
Sonia Drobysz
Cologne, Germany
Slides, 20 November 2015

Leveraging outside experts (IPNDV)
Andreas Persbo
Oslo, Norway
Presentation, 18 November 2015

Multilateral verification of nuclear disarmament (IPNDV)
Andreas Persbo
Oslo, Norway
Slides, 18 November 2015

VERTIC’s safeguards database
Alberto Muti
Tokyo, Japan
Slides, 18 November 2015

Nuclear non-entries: Sweden
Andreas Persbo
London, UK
Presentation, 4 November 2015

VERTIC’s legislative assistance to implement CBRN international instruments
Scott Spence
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Slides, 29-30 October 2015

National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention
Scott Spence
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Slides, 29-30 October 2015

Multilateral verification of nuclear disarmament: the role of the IAEA
Hugh Chalmers
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 17 September 2015

UNSCR 1540: Effective practices and lessons learned in legislative implementation
Yasemin Balci
Nairobi, Kenya
Slides, 14-15 September 2015

VERTIC’s Guest of the Meeting Statement to the BWC Meeting of Experts
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 13 August 2015

VERTIC’s Plenary Statement to the BWC Meeting of Experts
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 10 August 2015

National Implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 3 August 2015

Nuclear Disarmament: from the Methodist Central Hall to the IAEA
Andreas Persbo
London, UK
Presentation, 15 July 2015

An EU role in disarmament verification
Andreas Persbo
Brussels, Belgium
Presentation, 13-14 July 2015

1540 National Implementation Action Plans: Legislative and Regulatory Actions
Sonia Drobysz
Rakitje, Croatia
Slides, 29-30 June 2015

The Role of the IAEA with regard to Human Security
Sonia Drobysz
Sanremo, Italy
Presentation, 18 June 2015

Supporting multilateral disarmament verification: Technical work under the project
Andreas Persbo
New York, NY
Presentation, 15 May 2015

The demand for multilateral verification of disarmament: the IAEA
Larry MacFaul
New York, NY
Presentation, 15 May 2015

Supporting multilateral disarmament verification: Introduction to the project
Andreas Persbo
New York, NY
Presentation, 15 May 2015

International engagement on nuclear safeguards
Larry MacFaul
New York, NY
Slides, 12 May 2015

Approaches to enactment of UNSCR 1540 related legislation
Sonia Drobysz
Lima, Peru
Slides, 2-6 March 2015

Mesures d’Application Nationales de la CIAC
Yasemin Balci
Pretoria, South Africa
Slides, 2-6 March 2015

National Implementation Measures for the CWC
Yasemin Balci
Pretoria, South Africa
Slides, 2-6 March 2015

VERTIC’s statement to the CWC Conference of States Parties
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 1-5 December 2014

VERTIC’s statement to the BWC Meeting of States Parties
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 1 December 2014

The CWC – Implementation and Verification
Hugh Chalmers
Tel Aviv, Israel
Slides, 10-12 November 2014

UNSCR 1540 – State of Implementation
Yasemin Balci
London, UK
Presentation, 5 November 2014

Building a simulated environment for the study of multilateral approaches to nuclear materials verification
Russell Moul
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 25 October 2014

Engagement and cooperation on IAEA safeguards – VERTIC initiative and methods
Alberto Muti
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 23 October 2014

A new legal tool for States: the National Legislation Implementation Kit on Nuclear Security
Scott Spence
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 25 September 2014

VERTIC Statement to the BWC Meeting of Experts
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 19-20 June 2014

Observations on a Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East
Andreas Persbo
Baden, Austria
Presentation, 19-20 June 2014

Getting organised at the national level for the Biological Weapons Convention
David Cliff
Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Slides, 29 April 2014

National Implementation Measures for the Biological Weapons Convention
David Cliff
Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Slides, 29 April 2014

Ratification and National Implementation of the BWC
Yasemin Balci
Kathmandu, Nepal
Slides, 20-21 January 2014

Future verification challenges
David Cliff
Beijing, China
Presentation, 17 January 2014

Verification in a disarmed world
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 24 December 2013

VERTIC’s statement to the BWC Meeting of the States Parties
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 9 December 2013

Mesures nationales pour la mise en œuvre de la CAB
Yasemin Balci and Bilqees Esmail
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Cotonou, Benin
Slides, 2-6 December 2013

VERTIC’s statement to the 18th Conference of the States Parties to the CWC
The Hague, the Netherlands
Presentation, 5 December 2013

Multilateral disarmament verification and North Korea
David Cliff
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Presentation, 5 December 2013

VERTIC statement to Expert Meeting on the National Legislation Implementation Kit on Nuclear Security
Scott Spence
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Presentation, 20-21 November 2013

para la implementación de la CAB
Scott Spence
Quito, Ecuador
Slides, 14 October 2013

National Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 7 October 2013

VERTIC’s project on the IAEA Additional Protocol
Larry MacFaul
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 19 September 2013

VERTIC’s legislative assistance to implement certain instruments relating to nuclear security
Scott Spence
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 19 September 2013

Syria: the UNSG Investigation Mechanism, accountability and national legislation
Scott Spence
The Hague, the Netherlands
Presentation, 1-6 September 2013

Prague and Berlin: Two Speeches, Same Vision
Andreas Persbo
Prague, Czech Republic
Presentation, 6 September 2013

Engaging academia and civil society in WMD disarmament and
Scott Spence
The Hague, the Netherlands
Presentation, 6 September 2013

BWC Meeting of Experts: Strengthening National Implementation of the BWC
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 15 August 2013

VERTIC statement to the 2013 Meeting of Experts to the BWC
London, UK
Statement, 12 August 2013

Global Partnership BSWG: Legislative Assistance for BWC Implementation
Scott Spence
London, UK
Slides, 12 June 2013

State of play of multilateral verification
Andreas Persbo
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 17 May 2013

Promotion of national implementation of the CWC
The Hague, the Netherlands
Presentation, 11 April 2013

VERTIC statement to the Third Review Conference of the CWC
The Hague, the Netherlands
Presentation, 8-19 April 2013

Verification and Irreversibility when going to zero
Andreas Persbo
Berlin, Germany
Presentation, 22 February 2013

Opening remarks to the BWC Seminar in Bogota (Spanish)
Scott Spence
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 18 February 2013

VERTIC’s CBRN-UNSCR 1540 Legislative Assistance
Scott Spence
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 8-10 January 2013

Verification: how we can use it and what it can do
Larry MacFaul
Geneva, Switzerland
Slides, 13 December 2012

VERTIC statement to 2012 Meeting of the States Parties to the BWC
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 10 December 2012

Verification in a nuclear weapon free world
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 20 November 2012

Opening remarks to CDI panel
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 16 November 2012

Legislative Framework to Implement the BWC and UNSCR 1540
Milan, Italy
Slides, 10-12 October 2012

VERTIC’s CBRN-UNSCR 1540 Legislative Assistance
Scott Spence
Manchester, UK
Slides, 9 October 2012

National implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540
Scott Spence
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Slides, 28-29 August 2012

Making the criminal offences in CPPNM and ICSANT punishable under national law
Scott Spence
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Slides, 28-29 August 2012

BWC Meeting of Experts – H5N1 Case Study
National Implementation Measures Programme
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 19 July 2012

Verifying a ban on nuclear test explosions
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 18 July 2012

Teaching Policy to Scientists
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 12 July 2012

Lessons for cyberspace? Reflections on international responses in security and shared resources
Larry MacFaul
Wilton Park, UK
Slides, 28 May 2012

pour la mise en œuvre de la CIAB
Rabat, Marocco
Slides, 24-26 May 2012

Verification Solutions for the Middle East WMD Free Zone
Andreas Persbo
Edinburgh, UK
Presentation, 28 May 2012

Multilateral Approaches to Future Warhead Dismantlement Verification
David Cliff
London, UK
Presentation, 10 May 2012
External link

Some legal aspects of Iran’s nuclear programme
Andreas Persbo
London, UK
Presentation, 2 March 2012

Opening Remarks: VERTIC-EWI meeting on CTBT
Andreas Persbo
New York, NY
Presentation, 2 March 2012

Britain and disarmament
Guest Lecture by
John Walker,
, Foreign & Commonwealth Office
London, UK
Slides, 27 February 2012

The IAEA, Iran, and the military fuel cycle
Andreas Persbo
Pisa, Italy
Presentation, 13 February 2012

Science, technology and the art of verification
Andreas Persbo
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 8 December 2011

The evolution of national implementation of the international CBRN legal regime
Scott Spence
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 14 December 2011

VERTIC statistics on national implementation of the BWC
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 6 December 2011

Statement to the Seventh Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 6 December 2011

Role of the CTBT in Regional and Global Security
David Cliff
Istanbul, Turkey
Presentation, 16 November 2011

Aplicación Nacional, Medidas de Fomento de la Confianza, Verificación del Cumplimiento
Scott Spence and Rocío Escauriaza Leal
Lima, Peru
Presentation, 9-11 November 2011

National Implementation and Confidence Enhancing Measures
Scott Spence
Belgrade, Serbia
Presentation, 1-2 November 2011

The EU legal framework for preventing BW proliferation and promoting biosafety and security
Scott Spence
Milan, Italy
Slides, 12-14 October 2011

Irreversibility in Nuclear Disarmament: Practical steps against nuclear rearmament
Andreas Persbo
New York, NY
Presentation, 14 October 2011

Legislation for the prohibition and prevention of WMD proliferation
Scott Spence and Rocío Escauriaza Leal
New York, NY
Slides, 22-23 September 2011

Multilateral Disarmament Verification
David Keir
Vienna, Austria
Presentation, 19 September 2011

Emerging Themes from Discussions and Key Issues
Angela Woodward and Rocío Escauriaza Leal
Manila, Philippines
Slides, 27-28 June 2011

Discussion on BWC Definitions, Criminal Provisions and Enforcement
Angela Woodward and Rocío Escauriaza Leal
Manila, Philippines
Slides, 27-28 June 2011

Discussion on Biosafety and Biosecurity Provisions
Angela Woodward and Rocío Escauriaza Leal
Manila, Philippines
Slides, 27-28 June 2011

National Implementation Measures for the BWC and UNSCR 1540
Scott Spence
Tbilisi, Georgia
Presentation, 17-19 May 2011

Effective Legislative Frameworks for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons Proliferation
Scott Spence
The Hague, Netherlands
Presentation, 11-12 April 2011

Illicit Trafficking of Nuclear and Radiological Materials
Andreas Persbo
Washington, DC
Presentation, 4 April 2011

Introduction to BASIC-VERTIC meeting
Andreas Persbo
Washington, DC
Presentation, 31 March 2011

VERTIC’s cooperation with partner agencies on UNSCR 1540 implementation
Rocío Escauriaza Leal
Vienna, Austria
Slides, 27-28 January 2011

Statement by VERTIC to the Meeting of States Parties to the BWC
Geneva, Switzerland
Presentation, 6 December 2010

CBW Use in the Rome Statute: A Case for Change
Scott Spence
The Hague, Netherlands
Presentation, 29 November 2010

A Civil Society Response to the Challenges of Regulating Biosecurity
Scott Spence
Como, Italy
Presentation, 12 November 2010

Verifying Warhead Dismantlement: Past, Present, Future
Presentation, 19 October 2010

VERTIC: A civil society partner in the implementation of the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons treaties
Presentation, 3 September 2010