On April 12 2021, Marina Favaro, Névine Schepers, Emily Enright and Dr. Patricia Lewis joined Asst. Researcher Anuradha Damale for our second webinar: Staying in Nuclear Policy. Spanning policy, technology, […]
December 2nd 2020 saw the launch of the VERTIC Webinar Series with a session on ‘Getting into Nuclear Policy’, with guest speakers
Presentation to the SPS ’19 Conference CfP – Science Peace Security ’19 (peasec.de)Darmstadt, Germany
The latest report by the UN Panel of Experts on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) published on 9 March 2019 documents the various ways in which North Korea […]
In our second Verification Watch update, Senior Researcher Noel Stott provides an overview of the work and operation of AFCONE, the organisation in charge of implementing the Treaty of Pelindaba.
In Trust & Verify’s first Verification Watch article, Researcher Elena Gai writes about the Hanoi Summit between US President Donald Trump and DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-Un. Before one thinks about how to […]
Last week, we published Trust & Verify No. 163. In the lead article, I write about science diplomacy as a concept and exemplifies this by looking at some relatively recent […]