Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
Hotarire 467 6/10/1999 privind produsele strategice supuse regimului decontrol la export si import (Decision No. 467/1999 regarding the strategic goods subject to export and import control regime 1999)
Hotarare 844/2001 privind Lista de armamente, munitii si alte produse militare supuse regimului de control la export si import (Government Decision No. 844/2001 on the list of armaments, munition and other military items subject to export and import control regime)
Government Emergency Ordinance No.141 2001 [extracts]
Order of the President of the National Agency for the Control of Strategic exports and prohibition of Chemical Weapons (ANCESIAC) No. 71 2002
Ordonanta Urgenta 36 4/20/2000 referitoare la modificarea O.U.G. 158/1999 privind regimul exporturilor si importurilor de produse strategice (Ordinance No. 36/2000 on the amendment of the Government Ordinance No158/1999 on the regime of exports and imports of strategic goods)
Ordonanta Urgenta 158 10/19/1999 privind regimul exporturilor si importurilor de produse strategice (Ordinance No. 158/1999 on the regime of imports and exports of strategic goods)
Federal Law No. 128 of 2001 on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities
Water Law (Law No. 107/1996)
Russian Federation
Federal Law on Atomic Energy Use (1995)
Federal Law on Revising Articles 25 and 26 of the Federal Law on Atomic Energy Use (2013)
Federal Law on Public Radiation Safety (1995)
Federal Law on the Management of Radioactive Waste (2011)
Decree on Accreditation in the Field of Atomic Energy Use (2013)
Decree about Approval of the Provision on Development and Approval of Federal Rules and Regulations of Use of Atomic Energy (1997)
Decree on the Unified System of Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations (2003)
Decree on Protection of Employees during Radiation Accident at a Nuclear Installation of a Ship and/or other Water Craft (2006)
Decree about Approval of the Provision on the Regime of Permanent State Supervision at Nuclear Facilities (2012)
Decree about the Federal State Supervision in the Field of Use of Atomic Energy (2012)
List of Nuclear Facilities to be subject to the regime of Permanent State Supervision (2012)
Order on General Safety Provisions for Radiation Sources (2011)
Regulations on Physical Protection of Radiation Sources, Storage Facilities, and Radioactive Materials (2002)
Regulations on Safety of Nuclear Power Plants (1997)
Safety Regulations for the Transport of Radioactive Material (2004) 
Administrative Regulations for Issuing Permits to Nuclear Facility Employees (2011)
Administrative Regulations on Supervising Activities (2013)
Administrative Regulations on Licensing Activities (2008)
Resolution on Licensing Activities in the Field of Atomic Energy Use (2013)
Resolution on Procedure of Investigation and Events in Operation at Nuclear Fuel Facilities (2003)
Resolution on Emergency Procedure in case of Radiation Hazardous Situations at Nuclear Power Plants (2002)
Requirements to Physical Protection Systems of Nuclear Material, Nuclear Facilities and Nuclear Material Storage Facilities (2007)
General Safety Provisions for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (2005)
Nuclear Safety Rules for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities (2006)
Nuclear Safety Rules for Reactor Installations of Nuclear Power Plants (2007)
Safety Rules for Storage and Transportation of Nuclear Fuel at Nuclear Facilities (2005)
Rules of Investigation and Accounting of Violations in Management of Radiation Sources and Radioactive Substances (2000)
Criminal Code 1997 [extracts]
Customs Code 1993
Loi N°47/2008 Du 09/09/2008 Relative A La Prévention et A La Répression Du Blanchiment De Capitaux Et Du Financement Du Terrorisme