The Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act
Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (Constitutional Amendment) Act
Terrorism Prevention Act
Terrorism Prevention (Amendment) Act 2011
Terrorism Prevention (Amendment) Act 2013
Firearms Act
Offences against the Person Act
Criminal Justice (Suppression of Criminal Organizations) Act
Criminal Justice (Reform) Act
Criminal Justice (Administration) Act
Trade Act
Disaster Risk Management Act
Extradition Act
Mutual Legal Assistance Act
Shipping Act
Maritime Areas Act
Civil Aviation Act
Customs Act
Export Trade Control Order 1949
Penal Code [extract]
Labour Code, Law No. 8 of 1996
Extradition of Fugitive Criminals Law 1927
Act No. 20 on Customs 1998
Act No. 21 on Import and Export Trade 2001
Act No. 22 on Standards and Specifications 2000
Regulation No. 43 on harmful and dangerous substances and the movement of such substances 1999
Act No. 47 on Traffic 2001
Regulation No. 21 for the Protection of the Environment in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone 2001