Ratification and implementation resources
The IAEA has produced and released a variety of materials to assist countries with understanding what is involved in the implementation of both Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols.These include:
IAEA Templates and Model Documents for Safeguards Implementation
The Subsidiary Arrangements document contains the technical and administrative procedures for specifying how the provisions laid down in a safeguards agreement are to be applied. It consists of a General Part, which is applicable to all common nuclear activities of the State concerned, and a Facility Attachment, prepared for each facility in the State and describing arrangements specific for that facility. This document relates to the General Part and provides an explanation of the codes (1-9) of Subsidiary Arrangements. Model Code 10 Fixed ‘Report Forms and Explanations for their Use’ This document describes the forms used for three state reports: Inventory Change Report, Physical Inventory Listing and Material Balance Report. It also provides explanations for the data required and keywords used in the forms related to these reports.
This document describes the specific data elements and the reporting requirements for any particular plant or location. The data to be contained in records and reports are specified so as to permit the Agency to implement its procedures, including those for audit and verification of records on status and location of nuclear material, as well as for development of statistical sampling plans and meaningful error evaluation.
This document provides a template for reporting Design Information for research and power reactors. Design information typically includes the facility description; the form, quantity, location and flow of nuclear material being used; facility layout and containment features; and procedures for nuclear material accountancy and control. The IAEA uses this information to design the facility safeguards approach, to determine material balance areas and select key measurement points, and to develop the design information verification plan and to establish essential equipment list.
Information Template for ‘Locations Outside Facilities’ or LOFs Article 18 (j) of the Additional Protocol defines LOF as ‘any installation or location, which is not a facility, where nuclear material is customarily used in amounts of one effective kilogram or less.’ This document allows states to report on required information related to LOFs. It includes sections for general information, nuclear material description and flow, protection and safety measures, nuclear material accountancy and control in addition to a section on optional information.
Under the Additional Protocol, the IAEA shall be provided complementary access to verify the information provided by states under article 2 of the Protocol. Complementary access serves three purposes: to assure the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities, to resolve questions related to correctness and completeness of information provided by states and to confirm decommissioning declarations. The following table summarises locations, declarations, purpose and advance notice times in addition to the allowed activities in fulfilment of complementary access provisions of the Additional Protocol.
Example Determination of Additional Protocol Declaration Due Dates
This document provides an example of when Additional Protocol declarations are due following entry into force of the instrument. The dates provided are based on a fictitious example to illustrate when each report is expected.
Explanation of Column Headings and Forms for Reporting Exports and Imports of Material Pursuant to INFCIRC 153/34(a) and INFCIRC 153/34(b) This document provides two tables for reporting of materials pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 34. It also provides an explanation for each of the headings for these tables.
IAEA Guides and Handbooks for Safeguards Implementation
Handbook on Nuclear Law 2003 This IAEA handbook addresses the overall character of nuclear law and the process by which it is developed and applied. It is divided into different parts addressing the following topics among others: the elements of nuclear law, radiation protection, nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear liability and coverage, and non-proliferation and physical protection. Safeguards are addressed in Chapter 12 which includes a section discussing the key elements of safeguards legislation. The Handbook can be used as a checklist of matters that drafters might need to consider for inclusion in national legislation related to the nuclear field. Handbook on Nuclear Law: Implementing Legislation 2010 This Handbook provides more detailed guidance on nuclear law than its 2003 predecessor as it was designed for use as a practical aid to legislative drafting. The Handbook focuses on the key elements of a national legislative framework for regulation of the peaceful uses of nuclear and other radioactive material and related technology. It is organised along the lines followed in the 2003 Handbook on Nuclear Law. Chapter 12 addresses safeguards and includes a section presenting model safeguards provisions that can be incorporated in national legislation. IAEA Guidance for States Implementing Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols 2012 This Guidance is aimed at enhancing states’ understanding of their obligations and those of the IAEA under safeguards and at improving cooperation between them in safeguards implementation. It is principally intended for national or regional safeguards regulatory authorities in addition to facility operators. It provides a comprehensive listing of obligations contained in the primary legal safeguards documents and includes sections on a range of safeguards topics including: state safeguards infrastructure, provision of information and access under safeguards and the rights and obligations of states and the IAEA in implementing safeguards agreements.
Articles 2 and 3 of the Additional Protocol are particularly important. Article 2 addresses the information states are required to provide under the Protocol and Article 3 deals with when that information needs to be provided. This Guidelines document explains the specific information required and at what level of detail. It also provides a consistent reporting format for states in accordance with the two articles. The Guidelines contains a part on general guidance in addition to another including specific guidance corresponding to each segment of article 2. Nuclear Material Accounting Handbook 2008 The handbook presents existing best practices and methods used to account for nuclear material and to prepare the required nuclear material accounting reports for submission to the IAEA. It provides a description of the processes and steps necessary for the establishment, implementation and maintenance of nuclear material accounting and control at the material balance area, facility and State levels, and defines the relevant terms. This handbook serves the needs of state personnel at various levels, including State authorities, facility operators and participants in training programmes.