Criminal Code
Law on Biosafety and Biosecurity TJ RU EN
Law on Combating Terrorism
Law on Security 2011 (as of 2016)
Law on the Licensing System 2011 (as of 2016)
Law on Licensing of Separate Types of Activity
Law on Protection of Atmospheric Air 1996 (as of 2009)
Customs Code
Law on Counteracting the Legalization of Proceeds of Crime, Financing Terrorism and Financing the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction 2011 (as of 2017)
Law on the State Border
Water Code
Law on National Bank 2011 (as of 2014)
Law on Arms 2013
Penal Code
Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2006
National Security Act, 1970
Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1988
Arms Control Act (B.E. 2530 1987)
Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, Fireworks, and the Equivalent of Firearms Act (B.E. 2490 1947)
Export and Import Act 1979
Communicable Disease Act (B.E. 2523)
Pathogen Control Act 1956
Código Penal (Decreto Lei Governo 19/2009)  
Código de Processo Penal (Decreto-Lei Nº13/12005)  
Cooperação Judiciária Internacional Penal (Lei Nº 15/2011de 26 de Outubro)  
Lei de Segurança Nacional (Lei n.º 2 /2010 de  21 de abril)  
Lei Orgânica da Polícia Nacional de Timor-­Leste  (PNTL) (Decreto­lei n.º 8/2004 de 5 de Maio) 
Lei do Sistema de Saúde Lei (Nº10/2004 de 24 de Novembro)  
Regime jurídico de quarentena na Importação e Exportação de bens e no controlo sanitário da navegação internacional (Decreto-Lei N.º 21 /2003 de 31 Dezembro de 2003)  
Regulamento Geral da Quarentena (Decreto do Governo N.º 1/2006 de 20 de Setembro)  
Código Aduaneiro de Timor­Leste   
Estatuto Orgânico do Laboratório Nacional de Saúde (Decreto-Lei Nº 39/2008 de 29 de Outubro)
Code Pénal
Code de Procédure Pénale
Constitution du 14 Octobre 1992 (révisée)
Loi n° 2008-005 Portant Loi-Cadre sur l’Environnement
Loi Nº99-002 du 12 Février 1999 relative à la police sanitaire des animaux sur le territoire de la république togolaise
Loi Nº66-22 du 23 Décembre 1966 portant Code des Douanes
Arrêté N. 16/MAR-DSVSA du 30 décembre 1982 définissant les attributions et l’organisation de la direction des services vétérinaires et de la santé animales
Ordonnance Nº 2009-367 du 12 Novembre 2009 relative à la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme dans les États Membre de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Directive n° 07/2002/CM/UEMOA relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux dans les états membres de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Règlement N°09/2001/CM/UEMOA portant adoption du code des douanes de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Criminal Offences (Amendment) Act 2007

Trinidad and Tobago

Accessories and Abettors Act 1975
Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act 1997 and Animals (Importation) Control Regulations 1955
Anti-Terrorism Act 2014
Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons Act 2012
Computer Misuse Act 2000
Criminal Law Act 2000
Criminal Offences Act 1979
Criminal Procedure Act 2005
Criminal Procedure (Corporations) Act 1976
Customs Act 2014
Defence Act 2000
Disasters Measures Act 1978
Environmental Management Act 2000
Evidence Act 2012
Extradition (Commonwealth and Foreign Territories) Act 2004
Financial Intelligence Unit Act 2014
Food and Drugs Act 2005
Food and Drugs Regulations 2003
Geneva Conventions Act 2008
Indictable Offences (Committal Proceedings) Act 2014
Interception of Communications Act 2010
International Criminal Court Act 2006
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2004
Occupational Safety and Health Act 2006
Offences Against the Person Act 2005
Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Act 2005
Plant Protection Act 2001
Plant Protection Regulations 1997
Prevention of Crime Act 1953
Proceeds of Crime Act 2014
Professions Related to Medicine Act 1985
Professions Related to Medicine Rules 2003
Quarantine Act 1978 Maritime and Air Regulations 1945
Regulated Industries Commission Act 2001
Toxic Chemicals Regulations 2007 
Water Pollution Rules 2001
Code pénal
Loi n° 97-37 du 2 juin 1997, relative au transport par route des matières dangereuses
Loi n° 92-71 du 27 juillet, relative aux maladies transmissibles (modifié par Loi n° 2007-12 du 12 février 2007)
Criminal Code [Turkish]
Criminal Procedure Code [Turkish]
Law on the Police [Turkish]
By-law on the Collection of Evidence [Turkish]
Law on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Justice [Turkish]
Law on the Fight against Terrorism [Turkish]
Law on State of Emergency [Turkish]
Law on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry on Disaster and Emergency Management [Turkish]
Law on the Fight against Smuggling [Turkish]
By-law on the Fight against Smuggling [Turkish]
Law on the Control of Industrial Entities Producing War Materials and Equipment [Turkish]
By-law on the Control of Industrial Entities Producing War Materials and Equipment [Turkish]
Control List of War Materials and Equipment [Turkish]
Notification on Dual-Use Goods and End-User Certificates [Turkish]
Notification on Export Control of Dual-Use Goods [Turkish]
Law on Road Transport [Turkish]
By-law on Transport of Infectious Substances [Turkish]
By-law on the Prevention of Exposure Risks to Biological Agents [Turkish]
Law on Biosecurity [Turkish]
Law on Public Health [Turkish]
By-law on Surveillance and Control of Infectious Diseases [Turkish]
Law on Veterinary Services, Plant Health and Food [Turkish]
Law on the Veterinary Profession [Turkish]
By-law on the Employment of Private Veterinaries in the Fight against Epidemics [Turkish]
Law on the Environment [Turkish]
By-law on the Control of Hazardous Waste [Turkish]
By-law on the Control of Medical Waste [Turkish]
Penal Code [extracts]
Tuvalu (non-State Party)