Saint Kitts and Nevis
The Biological Weapons Act 1991
Anti-Terrorism Act 2002 (amended by Act No 28 of 2005 and No 24 of 2008)
Animals (International Movement and Disease) Act 1987
Proceeds of Crime Act 2000 (amended by Act No 10 and No 19 of 2008)
Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2008
Customs (Control and Management) Act 1992 (amended by Act No 7 of 2001 and No 2 of 2006)
Solid Waste Management Act 2009
Saint Lucia
Plant Protection Act 1988
Animals (Diseases and Relocation) Regulations 1997
Animals (Diseases and Importation) Ordinance (Amendment) Act 1994
Biosafety Act
Waste Management Act 2004
Public Health (Water Quality Control) Regulations 1978
Shipping Act
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Act 2002 (as amended)
Central Water and Sewerage Authority Act 1991
Central Water and Sewerage Authority (Sewerage) Regulations 1991
Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism Act 2006
Proceeds of Crime Act 2007
Police Powers Act 2007
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2007
Quarantine (Biosecurity) Act 2005
Poisons Act 1968
Disaster Emergency Management Act 2007
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Constituição da República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe
Decreto nº40/99
Lei de Base do Ambiente (Lei n.º 10/1999)
Saudi Arabia
The General Law of the Environment 28/7/1422 Control of Hazardous Wastes
Rules and Procedures for the Control of Hazardous Wastes 01-2002
Law on damaging activities: activities that are harmful, or hazardous to the health or the environment
Labour Law
Law Implementing the Regulations for the Private Laboratories Ministerial Decision 6386 dated 1425/6/21
Common Customs Law of the GCC States
Lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux, Loi n°2004-09 du 6 février 2004
Directive n° 07/2002/CM/UEMOA relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux dans les états membres de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Règlement N°09/2001/CM/UEMOA portant adoption du Code des Douanes de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Ordonnance Nº 2009-367 du 12 Novembre 2009 relative à la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme dans les États Membre de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Criminal Code 2009
Criminal Procedure Code 2011
Law on the Prohibition of the Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction
Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism 2009
Law on Foreign Trade in Weapons, Military Equipment and Dual-use Goods (2 February 2005)
Law on Environmental Protection
Law on Public Health
Law on Workplace Safety and Health
Law on Veterinary 2009
Law on Plant Health 2009
Law on Environmental Protection
Law on Waste Management 2010
Law on Genetically Modified Organisms 2009
Law on State Border Protection
Law on Police 2005
Law on the Liability of Legal Entities for Criminal Offences
Law on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
Prevention of Terrorism Act
Extradition Act
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Sierra Leone
 Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Financing of Terrorism 2012
Constitution 1991
Criminal Procedure Acts 1965
Customs Act 2011
Environment Protection Agency Act 2008
Extradition Act 1974
Geneva Conventions Act 2012
Merchant Shipping Act 2003
National Security and Central Intelligence Act 2002
Public Emergency Regulations 2014
Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code Act 2010 (No. 15 Of 2010)
First Schedule, Second Schedule, Third Schedule, Forth Schedule, Fifth Schedule, Sixth Schedule
Biological Agents and Toxins Act 2005 (No. 36 of 2005)
Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3
Biological Agents and Toxins (Transportation) Regulations 2005
Biological Agents And Toxins (Proficiency Testing) Regulations 2008
Biological Agents And Toxins (Exemption) Regulations 2009
Terrorism (Suppression of Bombings) Act 2007
Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act (Act 16 Of 2002)
United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Regulations 2001
Strategic Goods (Control Act) 2003
Strategic Goods (Control) Order 2021
Infectious Diseases Act
Hazardous Waste (Control Of Export, Import And Transit) Act
Protected Areas and Protected Places Act
Animals and Birds Act
Animals and Birds (Quarantine) Rules
Control of Plants Act
Air Navigation Act
Human Biomedical Research Act 2015
Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Act 2004
Infrastructure Protection Act 2017
Medicines (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2016
National Biosafety Standards for Maximum Containment Facilities 2019
Food Regulations
Customs Act
Regulation of Imports and Exports Act
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
Monetary Authority of Singapore Act
Ministry of Health Circular 100/2009: Update on the Interim Biosafety Guidelines For Laboratory Workers Working with the Novel H1N1 Influenza A Virus
Ministry of Health Circular 57/2009: Interim Biosafety Guidelines For Laboratory Workers Diagnosing Influenza H1N1-2009 And Emerging Viral Infections With Unknown Risk
Ministry of Health Circular 34/2006: Interpretation of Diagnosis
Slovak Republic
Criminal Code
Act 218 of 28 March 2007 on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts
Basic System of Biological Protection for Slovak Population 2001
Law No. 179/1998 Collection of Laws on Trading in Military Equipment, as amended 1998
Law No. 26/2002 Collection of Laws on Control of Imports and Exports of Items and Technology Subject to International Control Regimes 2001
Regulation of the Ministry of Economy No. 23/1994 List of Items and Technology Subject to Control Regimes 1994
Criminal Code
Solomon Islands
Criminal Code 1996 [extracts]
Somalia (Signatory)
 Provisional Constitution (2012)
 Penal Code (1962)
 Criminal Procedure Code Book 1
 Criminal Procedure Code Book 2
 Criminal Procedure Code Book 3
 Criminal Procedure Code Book 4
 Criminal Procedure Code Book 5
 Labour Code (1972)
 Maritime Code (1959)
 Law on the Somali Territorial Sea and Ports (1972)
South Africa
Criminal Law Amendment Act (No. 105 of 1997)
International Cooperation in Criminal Matters Act (No. 75 of 1996)
Prevention of Organised Crime Act (No. 121 of 1998)
Anti-Terrorism Bill 2002
Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act (No. 33 of 2004)
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act 1993 (and consolidated version as amended in 1996)
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Amendment 1995
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Amendment 1996
Addition of the BWC as a Schedule of the Non-Proliferaton of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act (Proclamation No. R.16 2002)
National Conventional Arms Control Act, 2002 (Act No. 41 of 2002)
Declaration of Certain Biological Goods and Technologies as Controlled Goods and Control Measures Applicable to Such Goods (Government Notice No. 19 of 2010)
Declaration No. 429 of Certain Missile Technology and Related Items as Controlled Goods and Control Measures Applicable to Such Goods 2002
Declaration No. 430 of Certain Nuclear-related Dual-use Equipment, Materials And Related Technology Items as Controlled Goods and Control Measures Applicable to such Goods 2002
Declaration No. 704 of Certain Goods To Be Controlled Goods and the Control Measures Applicable to Such Goods 1997
Decision No. 152 of Certain Goods To Be Controlled Goods and Control Measures Applicable to Such Goods 2003
Declaration No. 428 of Certain Goods and Technologies to be Controlled and Control Measures Applicable to Goods 2002
Declaration No. 1025 of Certain Goods as Controlled Goods and the Determination of Control Measures Applicable to Such Goods 2001
Customs and Excise Act (No. 91 of 1964)
Financial Intelligence Centre Act (No. 38 of 2001)
Public Health Act (No 36 of 1919) (No 2306, clause no 4)
Occupational Health and Safety Act (No. 85 of 1993)
Agricultural Pests Act (No. 36 of 1983)
Agricultural Product Standards Act (No. 119 of 1990)
Animal Health Act (No. 7 of 2002)
Animal Diseases Act (No 35 of 1984)
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Act (No. 15 of 1997)
Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents (No. R. 1390, 27 December 2001)
Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communications-Related Information Act (No. 70 of 2002)
Government Notice on the declaration of certain goods as controlled goods and the determination of control measures applicable to such goods (Government Notice No.R.75 of 29 January 2004)
Regulations relating to the registration of persons in control of any activity with regard to controlled goods or who have controlled goods in their possession or custody or under their control (Regulation No.R.16 of 3 February 2010)
Regulation on Biosafety Standards for Microbiological laboratories (Section 8)
South Sudan (non-State Party)
Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código Penal
Real Decreto de 14 de septiembre de 1882 por el que se aprueba la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal
Ley Orgánica 13/1985, de 9 de diciembre, de Código Penal Militar
Ley 53/2007, de 28 de diciembre, sobre el control del comercio exterior de material de defensa y de doble uso
Real Decreto 2061/2008, de 12 de diciembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de control del comercio exterior de material de defensa, de otro material y de productos y tecnologías de doble uso
Ley Orgánica 12/1995, de 12 de diciembre, de Represión del Contrabando
Ley Orgánica 6/1985, de 1 de julio, del Poder Judicial
Ley Orgánica 1/1992, de 21 de febrero, sobre Protección de la Seguridad Ciudadana
Ley Orgánica 2/1986, de 13 de marzo, de Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad
Ley 2/1985, de 21 de enero, sobre Protección Civil
Ley Orgánica 4/1981, de 1 de junio, de los Estados de Alarma, Excepción y Sitio
Ley 10/2010, de 28 de abril, de Prevención del Blanqueo de Capitales y de la Financiación del Terrorismo
Ley 4/1985, de 21 de marzo, de Extradición Pasiva
Ley 14/1986, de 25 de abril, General de Sanidad
Ley 8/2003, de 24 de abril, de Sanidad Animal
Ley 43/2002, de 20 de noviembre, de Sanidad Vegetal
Ley 9/2003, de 25 de abril, por la que se establece el régimen jurídico de la utilización confinada, liberación voluntaria y comercialización de organismos modificados genéticamente
Ley 16/2003, de 28 de mayo, de Cohesión y Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud
Ley 44/2003, de 21 de noviembre, de Ordenación de las Profesiones Sanitarias
Ley 32/2007, de 7 de noviembre, para el Cuidado de los Animales, en su Explotación, Transporte, Experimentación y Sacrificio
Real Decreto 178/2004, de 30 de enero, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento general para el desarrollo y ejecución de la Ley 9/2003, de 25 de abril, por la que se establece el régimen jurídico de la utilización confinada, liberación voluntaria y comercialización de organismos modificados genéticamente
Real Decreto 551/2006, de 5 de mayo, por el que se regulan las operaciones de transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera en territorio español
Real Decreto 1566/1999, de 8 de octubre, sobre los consejeros de seguridad para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas por carretera, por ferrocarril o por vía navegable
Real Decreto 664/1997, de 12 De Mayo, sobre la Protección de los Trabajadores contra los Riesgos Relacionados con la Exposición a Agentes Biológicos durante el Trabajo
Real Decreto 1697/2003, de 12 de diciembre, por el que se crea la Comisión Nacional de Biovigilancia
Real Decreto 375/2001, de 6 de abril,  por el que se aprueba el Estatuto del Instituto de Salud “Carlos III”
Orden PRE/305/2009, de 10 de febrero, por la que se crea la Red de Laboratorios de Alerta Biológica «RE-LAB»
Orden de 29 de octubre de 2001 por la que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica de los servicios centrales de la Dirección General de la Guardia Civil
Acuerdo Europeo sobre Transporte de Mercancías Peligrosas por Carretera (ADR)  
Sri Lanka
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act No. 48 of 1979
Penal Code
Customs Ordinance Part IV
Customs Ordinance Part XIV
Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Financing Act, No. 25 of 2005
Contagious Disease Ordinance
Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance
Health Services Act
Factories Ordinance
Army Act
Food Act
Diseases of Animals Ordinance
Factories (Amendment) Act, No. 19 0f 2002
Food Control Act
Food Control (Possession) Act
Penal Code (Amendment) Act, No. 16 of 2006
State of Palestine


Animal Epidemic Diseases Act 2001
Civil Aviation Safety Act 2010
Criminal Law Act 1991
Criminal Procedure Act 1991
Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
Law on Economic Offences
Law on the Criminalization of Money-Laundering
Police Charter
Decree on Extradition
Law on the Transfer of Goods
Decision on the Negative List
Annex of the Decision on the Negative List
Law on Firearms
Law on Combating Animal Diseases
Law on the Protection of Plants
Penal Code
Law No. 1300 War Material 1992 [extracts]
Lag No. 1300 Krigsmaterial 1992
Förordning (1992:1303) om Krigsmaterial
Law No. 341 Strategic Material 1991 [extracts]
Lag No. 341 Strategiska Produkter 1991
Law No. 397 on Strategic Products 1998
Förordning (1994:2060) om Strategiska Produckter 1994
Förordning (1998:400) om Strategiska Produckter 1998
Förordning (1991:343) om förbud mot utförsel au vissa produkter som kan användas i massförstörelsesyfte 1991
Law on Control over Products with Dual-Use and of Technical Assistance 2000
Vapenlag (1973:1176)
Government Bill 1975/76:43
SFS 1975:85
SFS 1994:1830
SFS 1996:13
AFS 1997:12, (provisions for protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work (including work environment aspects of genetically modified biological agents) based on Directive 2000/54/EC
SFS 1999:657
SFS 1999:658
SFS 1999:659
SFS 1999:660
SJVFS 1999:101
SJVFS 1999:102 2002:97
SJVFS 2002:16
SFS 1971:810
Act of Security SFS 1996:627
MB (Environmental code) SFS 2000:271 (ordinance on contained use of GMOs)
AFS 2000:5 (SWEA provisions on contained use of GMMs, based on Directive 1998/81/EC)
AFS 2005:5 Swedish
Communicable disease Act SFS 1988:1472
Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure (RS 312.0 Code de procédure pénale suisse du 5 octobre 2007)
Military Criminal Code (RS 321.0 Code pénal militaire du 13 juin 1927)
Ordinance on Domestic Disaster Management by the Army (RS 513.75 Ordonnance du 21 novembre 2018 sur l’aide militaire en cas de catastrophe dans le pays)
Ordinance on the Protection of Workforce against Microbiological Risks (RS 832.321 Ordonnance du 25 août 1999 sur la protection des travailleurs contre les risques liés aux micro-organismes)

Federal Act on Surveillance of Postal Mail and Telecommunications (RS 780.1 Loi fédérale du 18 mars 2016 sur la surveillance de la correspondance par poste et télécommunication)
Ordinance on Maximum Levels of Pesticide Residues Present in or on Products of Vegetable or Animal Origin (RS 817.021.23 Ordonnance du DFI du 16 décembre 2016 sur les limites maximales applicables aux résidus de pesticides présents dans ou sur les produits d’origine végétale ou animale)
Ordinance on the Control of Communicable Diseases (RS 818.101.1 Ordonnance du 29 avril 2015 sur la lutte contre les maladies transmissibles de l’homme)
Ordinance on the Declaration of Observations of Communicable Diseases (RS 818.101.126 Ordonnance du DFI du 1er décembre 2015 sur la déclaration d’observations en rapport avec les maladies transmissibles de l’homme)
Ordinance on Microbiological Laboratories (RS 818.101.32 Ordonnance du 29 avril 2015 sur les laboratoires de microbiologie)
Ordinance Relating to the Act of Labour (RS 822.114 Ordonnance 4 du 18 août 1993 relative à la loi sur le travail)
Ordinance on the Control of Milk (RS 916.351.0 Ordonnance du 20 octobre 2010 sur le contrôle du lait)
Ordinance on Import, Transit and Export of Animals and Animal Products Exchanged with EU Member States, Iceland and Norway (RS 916.443.11 Ordonnance du 18 novembre 2015 réglant les échanges d’importation, de transit et d’exportations d’animaux et de produits animaux avec les Etats membres de l’UE, l’Islande et la Norvège)
Ordinance Establishing Measures against Persons and Entities Linked to Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda Group or the Taliban (RS 946.203 Ordonnance du 2 octobre 2000 instituant des measures à l’encontre de personnes et entités liées a Oussama ben Laden, au groupe «Al-Qaïda» ou aux Taliban)
Ordinance on the Transportation of Hazardous Goods by Railway and Aerial Railway (RS 742.412 Ordonnance du 31 octobre 2012 sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer et par installation à cables)
Federal Act on the Prohibition of « al-Qaeda » and « Islamic State » Groups and related Organizations (RS 122 Loi fédérale du 12 décembre 2014 interdisant les groupes « Al-Qaïda » et « État islamique » et les organisations apparentées)
Syria (Signatory)