Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Penal Law (as amended, 2017)
Law on Criminal Procedure (2012)
Law on Agriculture (1998)
Labour Law (as amended, 2006)
Environmental Protection Law (2012)
Law on Hygiene, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2011)
Customs Law (2011)(2014 amendments)
Decree on Import and Export of Goods (2011)
Notification on Prohibited Goods on Import and Export (2011)
Land Transport Law (1997)
Law on Civil Aviation (2018)
Law on Water and Water Resources (2017)
Law on Vaccinations 2018
Law on Disaster Management 2019
Biotechnology Safety Law 2014
Law on Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease 2017
Law on Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters (Amended) 2016
Decree on Border Checkpoint and International Airport 2018
Penal Code [extracts]
Regulation No. 421 on the Control of Strategic Goods 1997
Regulation No. 429 on the Control Committee of Strategic Goods 1997
Cabinet Regulation No. 323 on Utilisation and Release of Genetically Modified Organisms 2000
Decision of the Control Committee on Strategic Goods 14 May 1997
Decision of the Control Committee of Strategic Goods on Lists of Goods, Production, Services and Technologies Which Require Licences for Export, Import and Transit 2000
Epidemiological Safety Law 2000
Law on Handling of Weapons 2003
Criminal Code [English]
Code of Criminal Procedure [English]
Law no 318 of 20 April 2001 on the fight against money-laundering [English]
Law of 11 January 1958 on crimes against national security and terrorism
Customs Law
Labour Code [English]
National Security Services Act (1998)
The Internal Security (General) Act 1984
Internal Security (Arms and Ammunition) Act
Criminal Code (Extracts)
Act to amend Chapters 14 and 15 sub-chapter (C), title 26 of the Liberian Code of Laws revised, known as the new penal law of 1976, by adding thereto four new sections thereby making the crimes of armed robbery, terrorism and hijacking, respectively, capital offenses, and providing punishment thereof
Criminal Procedure Law
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Act (2012)
Provisional Remedies for Proceeds of Crime Act (2012)
Financial Intelligence Unit Act (2012)
Distribution of UN List Terrorist and Terrorist Groups Act (2012)
Protection of Whistleblower Executive Order
Defence Act (2008)
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (2012)
Medicine and Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHR) Act (2010)
Public Health Law
Agriculture Law
Act Creating the Environment Protection Agency of the Republic of Liberia
Act Adopting the Environment Protection and Management Law of the Republic of Liberia
Act Appealing Sub-Chapter D of Chapter 1, Part 1 and Sub-Chapter B of Chapter 22, Part II of the Executive Law in Relation to the Executive Action Bureau and the National Bureau of Investigation and Creating the National Security Agency
Revenue Code
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Great Green Charter of Human Rights in the Jamahiriyan Era
Act No. 29 1994
BWC entry into force 1991
Law on Arms 1971
Law on Sanctions on Trade with Foreign States 1991
Law on the Handling of Genetically Modified or Pathologic Organisms
Ordinance on the Indirect Transfer of War Material 1999
Swiss Federal Law on Control of Goods Suitable for Civilian and Military Purposes and Specific Military Goods 1996
Swiss Federal Law on Epidemics 1970
Swiss Federal Law on War Material 1996 [English]
Swiss Ordinance on the Control of Chemicals Usable for Civilian and Military Purposes 1997
Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania 1992
Criminal Code 2003 [extracts]
Law No. VIII-186 Del 1972 Metu Konvencijos Dl Bakteriologiniu Ir Toksiniu Ginklu Krimo, Gamybos Ir Saugojimo Udraudimo Bei ju Sunaikinimo Ratifikavimo 1987
Law on the Control of Arms and Ammunition 1996
Law on the Controls of Import, Transit and Export of Strategic Goods and Technologies of Lithuania 1995
Law No. IX-1051 on amending the Law on the Control of Export, Import and Transit of Strategic Goods and Technology 2002
Code of Administrative Trangressions of Republic of Lithuania 2003
Law on the Ratification of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction 1997
Law No. VIII-345 on Amendment of Articles 6,10,11,14 and 15 of the Law Concerning Control of Import, Transit and Export of Strategic Goods and Technologies 1997
Resolution No. 857 on the Establishment of Control System for Export and Import of the Strategic Goods and Technology 1993
Resolution No. 1321 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on Amendment of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania On the Approval of the Lists of Controlled Goods and Technologies 1997