Act on Health Security and Communicable Diseases 1997
Penal Code 1940
Weapons Act 1998
Weapons of Mass Destruction Act 2005
Chemical Weapons Act 2000
Penal Code 1860
Code of Criminal Procedure 1973
Extradition Act 1962
Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act 1987
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2002
Prevention of Terrorism Amendment Act 2003
Prevention of Terrorism Repeal Act 2004
Rules for Hazardous Microorganisms 1989
Recombinant DNA Safety Guidelines and Regulations 1990
Disaster Management Act 2005
Schedule of Prescribed Substances 2006
Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967
Unlawful Activities Prevention Amendment Act 2004
Official Secrets Act 1923
Information Technology Act 2000
Money-Laundering Act 2003
Money-Laundering Amendment 2005
Prevention of Money-Laundering Amendment Act 2012
Environment Protection Act 1986
Environmental Protection Rules 1986
Customs Act 1962
Foreign Trade Act 1992
Foreign Trade Act Amendment 2010
SCOMET List 2013
SCOMET List 2015
Biological Diversity Act 2002
Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act 1985
Arms Act 1959
Explosive Substances Act 1908
SAARC Convention Act 1993
Penal Code
Law on the Use of Chemical Materials and the Prohibition of Chemical Materials as Chemical Weapons (No. 9/2008)
Law on Extradition
Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
The Law on Customs (no. 10/1995)
The Law on Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine (no. 16/1992)
Law Concerning Environmental Management (No. 23/1997)
Government Regulation Regarding the Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (No. 19/1994)
Law on the Outbreak of Disease 1984
Law No. 15/2002 Concerning Money Laundering Crimes 2002 (as amended by Law No. 25/2003)
Law No. 1/2002 on Combating Criminal Acts of Terrorism
Law on Quarantine (Air) 1962
Law on Quarantine (Sea) 1962
The Law of Transit of Foreign Goods through the Territory of Islamic Republic of Iran
Implemental Regulations of the Law of Transit of Foreign Goods through the Territory of Islamic Republic of Iran (1998)
Export-Import Regulations Act (1993)
The Executive Ordinance of Law on Export-Import Regulations
Anti-Money Laundering Law (2008)
Waste Management law
Medical Waste Separating/Collecting/Transporting and Discharging Guidelines (Ministry of Interior)
Regulations Concerning Prevention of Money Laundering through Financial Institutions
Plant Protection Act (1967) and subsequent government directives of 1968
Medical and Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food and Beverages Act (1965, amended 1988)
Labor Code 1990
Civil Code
Iran’s Islamic Criminal Law approved by the Law Affairs Committee of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 30/07/1991 and ratified at the open session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 08/01/1990
Penal Code (1969, as modified)
Law on Criminal Proceedings with Amendments (Number 23 of 1971)
Presidential Decree 13 on Prohibition of the Importation and Production of Biological Weapons, Chemical Weapons and Nuclear Weapons 2003
National Monitoring Authority for Non-Proliferation Act No. 48 (2012)
Iraq Constitution (published in the Iraqi Gazette, issue no. 4012 of 28 December A.D. 2005, corresponding to 27 Dhu’lqa`dah A.H. 1426)
Customs Law (Law No. 23 Of 1984)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 26: Creation of the Department of Border Enforcement (2003)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 16 (Revised) (Amended): Temporary Control of Iraqi Borders, Ports and Airports (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 54: Trade Liberalization Policy (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 56: Central Bank Law (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Memorandum Number 3 (Revised): Criminal Procedures (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 13 (Revised) (Amended): The Central Criminal Court of Iraq
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 28: Establishment of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps (2003)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 73: Transfer of the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps To The Ministry Of Defence (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 69: Delegation of Authority to Establish the Iraqi National Intelligence Service (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 93: Anti-Money Laundering Act (2004)
Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 79: The Iraqi Nonproliferation Programs Foundation (2004)
Anti-Terrorism Law (Law No. 13 of 2005)
Biological Weapons Act 2011
Air Navigation (Carriage of Munitions of War and Dangerous Goods) Order 1973
Air Navigation (Carriage of Munitions of War, Weapons and Dangerous Goods) (Amendment) Order 1989
Control of Exports Act 1983
Control of Exports Order 2000
Importation of Pathogenic Agents Order 1997
Irish Aviation Authority, Aeronautical Notice 0.1 (Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Air)
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations 1994
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) (Amendment) Regulations 1998
Israel (non-State Party)
Prohibition on Money Laundering Law, 5760-2000
Prohibition on Terrorist Financing Law, 5765-2004
Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance No. 33 of 5708-1948
Import and Export Order (Control of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Exports), 5764-2004
Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law, 5762-2002
Combating Criminal Organizations Law, 5763-2003
International Legal Assistance Law, 5758-1998
General Security Service Law, 5762-2002
Animal Diseases Regulations (Foot and Mouth Disease), 1959
Animal Diseases Regulations (Imports of Animals), 5734-1974
Animal Diseases Regulations (Micro-Organisms, Vaccines and Transmitters), 5735-1975
Animal Diseases Regulations (Regulation of Movement of Animals in Israel), 5742-1982
Animal Diseases Regulations (Newcastle Disease), 5730-1970
Plant Protection Law, 5716-1956
Decreto Legislativo 206/2001
Law No 185 1990 New Provisions Governing the Export, Import and Transit of Armaments
Decreto Legislativo 96/2003
Admin Instruction No. 16 of 20 July 1994 issued by the Ministry of Health
Decree Law No. 374 2001
Decreto Legislativo 626/94
Decreto Ministeriale 12/11/1999
Decreto Ministeriale 12/11/1999
Decreto Ministeriale 15/12/1990
Decreto Ministeriale 21/12/2001
Decreto Ministeriale 31/01/1996 (Identifies plant pathogens requiring quarantine)
Law No. 110 1975
Law No. 194 of 6 January 1928
Law No. 320 of 8 February 1954
Law No. 895 1967
Ratification Act No. 618 1974