
Loi n° 2/65 organisant la police sanitaire en matière de maladies contagieuses

Criminal Code [extracts]
Anti-terrorism Act 2002 (as amended by the 2008 Act)
Money Laundering Act 2003
National Environment Management Act 1994
The Gambia Free Zones Act 2001
Plant Importation and Regulation Act
Criminal Code (amendments)
Code of Criminal Procedure
Law of Georgia on Export Control of Armaments, Military Equipment and Dual-Use Products
Law of Georgia on Combating Terrorism
The Resolution of the President of Georgia on the regulation of organization of the counterterrorist activity in the country and coordination of the activity of subjects involved in the struggle against terrorism (17 January 2008)
Customs Code
Law of Georgia on Agricultural Quarantine
Law of Georgia on Protection of Plants from Harmful Organisms
Law of Georgia on Veterinary
Law of Georgia on State of Emergency
Law of Georgia on Guarantees and Promotion of the Activities on Investments
Law of Georgia on the Legal Status of Foreigners
Labor Code of Georgia
Law of Georgia on the State Security Service
Law of Georgia on Facilitating the Prevention of Illicit Income Legalisation
Law of Georgia on Environmental Protection
Law of Georgia on Public Health
Law of Georgia on Health Care
Law of Georgia on Licenses and Permits
Animal Disease Obligatory Reporting Ordinance of 9 August 1983
Animal Disease Act
Animal Pathogen Import Ordinance of 13 December 1982
Animal Disease Notification Ordinance of 23 May 1991
Animal Pathogen Ordinance of 25 November 1985
Code of Crimes against International Law 2002 [extracts]
Committee for Biological Agents (ABAS) Technical Regulations for Biological Agents (TRBA)

TRBA 100: Protective measures for specific and unspecific work in laboratories involving biological agents

TRBA 105: guidelines for risk group 3

TRBA 460: classification of fungi to risk groups

TRBA 462: classification of viruses to risk groups

TRBA 464: classification of parasites to risk groups

TRBA 466: classification of bacteria to risk groups

Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail of 11 December 2001
Export List – Annex to Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance 2000
Foreign Trade and Payments Act 1961
Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance 1986
Genetic Engineering Act of 16 December 1993
Genetic Engineering Information Sharing Ordinance of 17 May 1995
Genetic Engineering Procedural Ordinance of 4 November 1996
Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance of 14 March 1995
Gesetz zu dem Übereinkommen vom 10 April 1972 über das verbot der Entwicklung, Herstellung und Lagerung bakteriologischen (biologischen) waffen und von Toxinwaffen sowie über die Vernichtung solcher waffen
Health and Safety at Work Act of 7 August 1996
Infection Protection Act of 20 July 2000
International Law Penal Code of 26 June 2002
Ordinance for Execution of the Chemical Weapons Convention of 20 November 1996 as amended
Ordinance on safety and health protection related to work involving biological agents of 27 January 1999
Phytosanitary Ordinance of 10 October 2000
Plant Protection Act of 14 May 1998
War Weapons Control Act 1961 [extracts]
War Weapons Control Act of 22 November 1990 as amended
War Weapons List
ZKBS Ordinanceof 5 August 1996
Criminal Code Act 1960
Criminal Procedure Code
Anti-Terrorism Bill
Anti-Money Laundering Act 2008
Extradition Act 1960
Biosafety Act 2011
Animals (Control of Importation Act), 1952
Diseases of Animals Act 1961
Infectious Diseases Act 1908
Prevention and Control of Pests and Diseases of Plants Act 1965
Environmental Protection Agency Act 1994
Environmental Assessment Regulations 1999
Export and Import Act 1995
Food and Drugs Act 1992
Labour Act 2003
Road Traffic Act 2004
Maritime Security Act 2004
Water Resources Commission Act 1996
Criminal Code
Code of Offences (20th January, 1987)
Proceeds of Crime Act, 1992
Terrorism Act (Act nº 5 of 2003)
Money Laundering (Prevention) Act (Act nº 18 of 1999)
Animals (Disease and Importation) Control Regulation
Emergency Powers Act, 1987
The Anthrax Regulations
The Rabies Regulations
The Swine Fever Regulations
Código Penal (Decreto 17-73 de 27 de Julio de 1973)
Código Procesal Penal (Decreto Nº 51-92)
Ley de Armas y Municiones (21 de Abril de 2009)
Ley para Prevenir y Reprimir el Financiamiento del Terrorismo (Decreto Número 58-2005)
Ley contra el Lavado de Dinero u Otros Activos (Decreto Número 67-2001)
Ley contra la Delincuencia Organizada (Decreto Número 21-2006)
Ley Reguladora del Procedimiento de Extradición. (Decreto Número 28-2008)
Ley Marco del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad (Decreto Número 18-2008)
Ley Orgánica del Ministerio Público (Decreto Número 40-94)
Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal (Decreto Numero 36-98)
Reglamento de la Ley de Sanidad Vegetal y Animal (Acuerdo Gubernativo No.745-99)
Acuerdase establecer los requisitos para la importación, transporte, manejo dentro del país, establecimiento de experimentos de campo y producción para exportación de Organismos Vivos Modificados, -OVM-, para uso agrícola. (Acuerdo Ministerial 386-2006)
Reglamento para el manejo de residuos sólidos hospitalarios (Acuerdo Gubernativo 509-2001)
Ley contra la Defraudación y el Contrabando Aduaneros (Decreto Número 58-90)
Ley de Protección y Mejoramiento del Medio Ambiente (Decreto Número 68-86)
Código de Salud (Decreto Nº 90-97)
Reglamento para la Regulación, Autorización, Acreditación y Control de Establecimientos de Atención para la Salud (Acuerdo Gubernativo 376-2007)
Normas para el registro de personas individuales o jurídicas interesadas en realizar actividades vinculadas con insumos para uso agrícola y los requisitos para el registro de insumos para uso agrícola en el ministerio de agricultura, ganadería y alimentación (Acuerdo Ministerial No. 1221-2004)
Acuerdo Ministerial No. SP-M-946-2006 para la creación del Centro Nacional de Epidemiología
Acuerdase emitir las disposiciones zoosanitarias para la declaración obligatoria de  enfermedades en especies animales (Acuerdo Ministerial No.495-2006)
Ley Orgánica de la Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (Decreto Número 1-98)
Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamericano (CAUCA)
Reglamento del Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamericano
Projet de Code Pénal
Projet de Code de Procédure Pénale
Loi sur portant sur les armes, les munitions, les poudres et les explosifs
Code des Douanes
Loi instituant le contrôle phytosanitaire des végétaux à l’exportation et à l’importation
Arrêté instituant le contrôle phytonsanitaire des végétaux à l’importation et à l’exportation
Décret règlementant la gestion et le contrôle des substances chimiques nocives et dangereuses
Arrêté établissant les listes des organismes nuisibles d’importance économique et des organismes nuisibles faisant l’objet de quarantaine végétale
Loi relative à la gestion des catastrophes naturelles et anthropiques
Décret portant organisation et fonctionnement du Comité national de gestion des catastrophes naturelles
Loi Ordinaire Portant Prevention et Répression du Terrorisme
Guinea Bissau
Directive n° 07/2002/CM/UEMOA relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux dans les états membres de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act (Chapter 10:11) (L.R.O. 1/2012) (L.R.O. 1/2012)

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (Chapter 15:05) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Police Act (Chapter 16:01) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Evidence Act (Chapter 5:03) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Interception of Communications Act (Chapter 47:03) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (Chapter 99:06) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Food and Drugs Act (Chapter 34:03) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Environmental Protection Act (Chapter 20:05) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
Animal Health Act (No. 7 of 2011)
Plant Protection Act (Chapter 68:03) (L.R.O. 1/2012)
