Cape Verde |
Croatia |
Criminal Code |
Criminal Procedure Act |
Police Act |
Anti-Money Laundering Law |
Act on medicinal products and medical devices |
Ordinance on measures against the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants, plant products and other regulated objects, and measures to control these organisms (14 June 2006) |
The Plant Health Act |
The Ordinance on the Conditions to be Fulfilled by a Laboratory for Testing, Control and Monitoring of GMOs and Products Containing GMOs |
Act on the Responsibility of Legal Persons for the Criminal Offences of 11 September 2003 |
Regulation on Categories, Types and Classification of Waste with a Waste Catalogue and List of Hazardous Waste |
Regulation on supervision of transboundary movement of waste, 14 June 2006 |
Environmental Protection Act, 10 October 2007 |
Food Act, No 117/03 |
Customs Law, 1 January 2000 |
Act on Export of Dual-Use Items 2004 |
Nature Protection Act, 25 September 2003 |
Cuba |
Reglamento para la Contabilidad y el Control de Materiales Biológicos, Equipos y Tecnología Aplicada a estos (Resolucion No. 2/2004 de 20 de Abril de 2004) |
Decreto Ley 190 de la Seguridad Biologica 1999 |
Acts of Terrorism Act |
Cyprus |
Customs Code Law (94(I)/2004) |
Defence (Exportation of Goods) Order 2000 |
Defence (Exportation of Goods) Regulations 1993 |
Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law (61(I)/1996) |
Safety and Health at Work Law (No. 89(I)/96) |
Ratification Law of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (29(III)/2001) |
Czech Republic |
Criminal Code 1961 [extract 1] [extract 2] |
Act on foreign trade in military materials (No. 38/1994) |
Act on Some Measures Related to Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons (No. 281/2002)(as amended by Act No. 253/2017) |
Act on Control of Exports and Imports of Goods and Technologies Subject to International Control Regimes 1997 |
Decree No. 44/1997 dated 21/02/97 Granting a General Licence for Import of Controlled Goods |
Decree No. 474/2002 Coll. (1 November 2002) |
Trades Licensing Act (No. 455/1991) |
Act on selected measures against the legalisation of the proceeds of crime and on the amendment and supplementation of related Acts (No. 61/1996 Coll.) |
Act on the Police of the Czech Republic (No. 283/1991) |
Act implementing the European Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology (No. 594/2004) |
Customs Act (No. 13/1993 as amended) |
Act on Customs Administration (No. 185/2004) |
Act on the Use of Genetically Modified Organisms and Genetic Products (No. 78/2004) |
Decree No. 192/1988 on the Code of Poisons and Other Harmful Substances |