Bangladesh |
Belgium |
Law on the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention of 10 July 1978 FR NL |
Law on the import, export and transit of arms and ammunition of 5 August 1991 FR NL |
Ministerial Decision on Genetically Modified Organisms of 18 October 2006 |
Decree of Brussels on Genetically Modified Organisms and Pathogens of 8 November 2001 FR NL |
Decree of Wallonia of 5 June 2008 modifying the Decree on Genetically Modified Organisms of 4 July 2002 FR NL |
Decree of Flanders on Environment Permits of 6 February 2004 FR NL |
Decree of Flanders on Environment Permits of 1 June 1995 (VLAREM II – Biotechnology)
Decree of Flanders on Environment Permits of 6 February 1991 (VLAREM I)
Bhutan |
Bulgaria |
Penal Code [extract] |
Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria 1991 [extract] |
Decision No. 704 on adoption of Guidelines for Transfer of Sensitive Chemical and Biological Items of the Australia Group – International Export Control Regime 2002 |
Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies 2000 |
Decree for Adoption of Regulations on Implementation of the Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies 1996 |
Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies 2002 Amendment (Star Gazette No. 75/2002) |
List of the Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in accordance with the Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies 1998 |
Regulation (on implementation of Law on Control of Foreign Trade Activity in Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies) No. 13 of 13 June 1994 (Star Gazette No. 115/10.12.2002) |
Regulation for the Production, Trade, Stockpiling, Transportation and Use of Highly Poisonous Substances 1973 |
Decree No. 1524/1972 of the Council of the State of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria 1972 |
Decree No 266 on the Export & Import Regime 1995 |
Regulation of the Ministry of Health No. 4 of 14 October 2002 [Direct translation of EU directive 2000/54/EC] |
Law on Plant Protection (State Gazette No. 91/97, amended in No. 90/99) |
Regulation No. 1 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of 04.01.2002 (State Gazette N. 8/2002) |
Regulation No. 1 on Phytosanitary Control of 27.05.1998 |
Regulation No. 4 for the licensing of the production of veterinary medicines and preparations (State Gazette No. 7/2003) |
Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on the Veterinary-Medical Activities (State Gazette No. 55/2000) |