VERTIC’s National Implementation Measures (NIM) Programme is pleased to announce the public launch of its Model Law for national implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) and related requirements under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540). Download the Model Law here.
One of the primary activities of the NIM Programme is providing tailored assistance to states to draft implementing legislation for the BWC and biological weapons-related provisions of related instruments. In order to assist states with drafting comprehensive implementing legislation we use drafting tools developed in-house, such as this Model Law.
The Model Law is a revision of VERTIC’s 2012 Sample Act for national implementation of the BWC and related requirements of UNSCR 1540. This revision, completed under a project funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, takes into account lessons learned during our work with states over the past decade, feedback from external experts, as well as the need for legislation to accommodate new advances in biological science and technology.
The Model Law is intended to provide a useful basis to draft BWC implementing legislation and can be used to draft new laws or amend existing ones. It complements other existing tools supporting BWC implementation such as UNODA’s Guide to implementing the BWC.