VERTIC’s Verification and Monitoring (VM) Programme is pleased to announce the public launch of a new report “Understanding States’ Experiences in Safeguards: Challenges to and Opportunities for Entry into Force and Implementation”. Download the report here.
The report is the result of a Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)-VERTIC project that aimed to provide actionable, Member State driven recommendations for the IAEA, States and Groups of States that conduct outreach and capacity building activities on safeguards to increase the impact of such activities. In formulating these recommendations, the VCDNP and VERTIC sought to understand what motivates States to take action (or not take action) on safeguards. Following five months of interviews with representatives of 17 States that had recently taken action on safeguards for their countries, the VCDNP and VERTIC formulated 24 recommendations for increasing the impact of safeguards outreach and capacity building.
While the Part I of the report includes analysis and recommendations from the VCDNP and VERTIC, Part II of the report is dedicated to telling the stories of the State representatives interviewed to preserve institutional memory. The VCDNP and VERTIC hope that this report will be a reference to those conducting outreach and capacity building activities and improve the impact of such activities already taking place.