From 4-6 July, VERTIC’s NIM Programme hosted an online legislative drafting workshop for the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) with Botswana. The workshop formed part of the assistance provided through the BWC Extended Assistance Programme (EAP) under EU Council Decision 2019/97 in support of the Biological Weapons Convention, implemented by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and supported by VERTIC ‘s legal expertise.
The event took place online and gathered officials from the Botswana CBNR Weapons Management Authority, Ministry of Defence and Security, Ministry of Communication, Knowledge and Technology, Attorney Generals Chambers, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security and the Ministry of Transport. The objective of the workshop was to amend existing legislation that implements the BWC in the Botswana. After an opening session and introductory presentations on the Convention, its implementing obligations and Botswana’s situation with respect to the BWC, the participants thoroughly reviewed the existing legal instruments, discussing technical and legal aspects and proposing amendments. An action plan to finalise the texts was developed during the final session.