VERTIC’s Co-Programme Director for National Implementation, Yasemin Balci, participated in a workshop on the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in Croatia during 10-12 May 2022.
Organised by the BWC Implementation Support Unit (ISU) and RACVIAC, the Centre for Security Cooperation in the South Eastern Europe region, the workshop provided an overview of the BWC, including its major achievements and challenges. The workshop also provided an outlook towards the Ninth Review Conference and informed participants about the implementation of the BWC at the national level. Yasemin Balci gave a presentation addressing legislative implementation of the BWC. Noting the obligation to adopt national implementation measures in Article IV of the Convention, Yasemin’s presentation explored the different type of measures that BWC States Parties can adopt and provided examples of court cases that dealt with BWC implementing legislation.
Further information on the BWC ISU-RACVIAC workshop can be found here.