This Winter’s edition of T&V covers a wide range of current issues – from COP26, to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Review Conference (NPT RevCon).
Guest Article by Dr George Vardulakis
The lead article, by Dr. George Vardulakis, focusses on the cyber-security coverage within the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM/A).
Verification Watch
Verification Watch focusses on the upcoming NPT RevCon, with an introduction from Acting Executive Director Larry MacFaul. Co-Programme Director Alberto Muti provides inside into IAEA safeguards; Senior Researcher Noel Stott provides commentary on Nuclear Disarmament Verification in the context of the NPT, and co-Programme Director Dr Grant Christopher discusses the inclusion of emerging technologies. Then, Grant provides options for verification in a likely step-by-step in nuclear agreement with North Korea. Finally, NIM co-Programme Director Dr. Sonia Drobysz, provides observations on non-proliferation and safeguards in the context of AUKUS.
Implementation Watch
Implementation Watch features an article by Associate Legal Officer Suzanna Khoshabi, on the entering into force of the EU Recast Dual-Use Regulation, replacing the previous Dual-Use Regulation as the primary piece of EU legislation governing dual-use exports and introduces the first major changes to the export control regime since 2009.
Compliance Watch
Researcher Cristina Rotaru provides three articles in Compliance Watch. The first provides a comprehensive summary into the key compliance commitments from the recent COP26 summit in Glasgow. The second is on a side event at the First Committee on Disarmament, on the Hague Code of Conduct (HCoC) and other confidence building measures. Finally, Cristina writes about the latest UN Panel of Experts Report on North Korea, commenting on the humanitarian crisis of the country.
Science and Technology Scan
Science and Technology Scan has guest contributor Prof. James Larkin write about the application of nuclear science to reduce the poaching of rhinos. Researcher Anuradha Damale returning to space, provides a summary of the recent alleged Chinese FOBS test, using the lens of the Outer Space Treaty to consider it.
Centre News
Plus, Center News, featuring the announcement of promotions of staff.