VERTIC staff attended the 23rd Wilton Park nuclear non-proliferation conference between 10 and 14 December 2018. The conference aimed to assess the challenges and opportunities for NPT diplomacy and processes but also the broader global regime.
VERTIC staff attended the 23rd Wilton Park nuclear non-proliferation conference between 10 and 14 December 2018. The conference aimed to assess the challenges and opportunities for NPT diplomacy and processes but also the wider global regime.
This year, Mr Andreas Persbo, Executive Director, and Mr Alberto Muti, Senior Researcher for Verification and Monitoring attended all four days, which comprised 13 substantive sessions, and heard from 37 speakers and facilitators. They also met with partners in two projects run by VERTIC, to discuss engagement strategies and research priorities.
Mr Persbo attended a breakout session on the ‘Middle East WMD-Free Zone’ and Mr Muti a session on ‘Political and technical cooperation on verification amongst NPT Member States: progress, potential and pitfalls.’
As always, the Centre is grateful to its partners at Wilton Park for a excellently arranged and facilitated conference, and look forward to returning to Steyning in the coming year.