VERTIC participates in workshop on national legislation for the implementation of CBRN international instruments in Barbados
From 13 to 15 December, VERTIC Legal Officer Cédric Apercé and Senior Legal Officer Sonia Drobysz participated in a workshop on national legislation for the implementation of CBRN international instruments co- organised by VERTIC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade in Bridgetown, Barbados.
The purpose of the event was to discuss the obligations in the Biological Weapons Convention, the Chemical Weapons Convention, nuclear security instruments and related provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1540, and identify the gaps in Barbados’ national legal framework for the control of dangerous biological materials, chemicals and nuclear material which could pose a proliferation risk. Participants from the Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Environmental Protection Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, Customs and Excise Department, Barbados Defence Force and Ministry of Agriculture, joined by Professor Akin Abayomi from the Global Emerging Pathogen Treatment Consortium and Mr O’Neil Hamilton, Regional Coordinator for the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 in the Caribbean Community, discussed current biological, chemical and nuclear security challenges, the international obligations for the non-proliferation of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and the security of related materials as well as the status of their implementation in Barbados’ legislation. The group also considered next steps to further strengthen the CBRN national legal framework.
For more information, please see the Government Information Service top story.
This workshop was part of a project being carried out by VERTIC’s NIM Programme in co-operation with the Stimson Center, and funded by the Global Partnership Program of Global Affairs Canada, “Legislative Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Latin America and the Caribbean – Phase II (2017-2018)”.