On 17 March, Andreas Persbo, Executive Director, ventured over to Kings College London to deliver a lecture on ‘Verification: Theory, practices and technology.
On 17 March, Andreas Persbo, Executive Director, ventured over to Kings College London to deliver a lecture on ‘Verification: Theory, practices and technology.’
Joined by Hassan Elbahtimy, a KCL teaching fellow in science and security, his remarks covered fundamentals such as the meaning and application of verification, monitoring, implementation and compliance in international arms control. The discussion centred around a ‘simple’ example, designed to draw out the inherent complexities of all forms of arms control verification. The presentation problematized concepts such as ‘false positives,’ ‘false negatives,’ ‘detection probabilities,’ and ‘effective verification.’
Dr Elbahtimy, a former Senior Researcher at VERTIC, covered nuclear disarmament verification matters, with a particular emphasis on how to verify the dismantlement of nuclear explosive devices.
Slides are available here.
The remarks were prepared and delivered with support from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT).