Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
Hotarire 467 6/10/1999 privind produsele strategice supuse regimului decontrol la export si import (Decision No. 467/1999 regarding the strategic goods subject to export and import control regime 1999)
Hotarare 844/2001 privind Lista de armamente, munitii si alte produse militare supuse regimului de control la export si import (Government Decision No. 844/2001 on the list of armaments, munition and other military items subject to export and import control regime)
Government Emergency Ordinance No.141 2001 [extracts]
Order of the President of the National Agency for the Control of Strategic exports and prohibition of Chemical Weapons (ANCESIAC) No. 71 2002
Ordonanta Urgenta 36 4/20/2000 referitoare la modificarea O.U.G. 158/1999 privind regimul exporturilor si importurilor de produse strategice (Ordinance No. 36/2000 on the amendment of the Government Ordinance No158/1999 on the regime of exports and imports of strategic goods)
Ordonanta Urgenta 158 10/19/1999 privind regimul exporturilor si importurilor de produse strategice (Ordinance No. 158/1999 on the regime of imports and exports of strategic goods)
Federal Law No. 128 of 2001 on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities
Water Law (Law No. 107/1996)
Regulations of 2002 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 501 on the Approval of the Regulation on Licensing of Activities Connected with the Use of Agents of Infection and No. 504 on the Approval of the Regulation on Licensing of Veterinary Activity
Russian Federation
Criminal Code 1997 [extracts]
Customs Code 1993
Regulations on Handling Microorganisms
Act on Ratification of the Biological Weapons Convention 1975
Decree No. 390 of the President of the Russian Federation on Ensuring of International Obligations in the Field of Biological Weapons 1992
Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation No. 3244-1 on Ensuring Fulfilment of International Obligations by the Russian Federation in the Field of Chemical, Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons 1992
Decree No. 1004 of the President of the Russian Federation on the List of Microbial Agents (pathogens) of humans, animals and plants, genetically modified micro organisms, toxins, equipment and technologies subjected to export control 2001
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No 1833 on the Basic Provisions of Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation
Decree No 1098 on Approval of the Statute Regulating the Control of Exports from the Russian Federation of Stimulants of Diseases and Man, Animals and Plant, and Their Genetically Altered Forms, Fragments of Genetic Material, and Equipment Which Can be Used to Develop Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxins Weapons 1994
Decree No. 634 of the Government of the Russian Federation on Implementation of Export Control of microbial agents (pathogens) of human, etc 2001
Decree No. 50 on Introduction of Amendments and Supplements into Articles 188 and 189 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 2002
Decree No. 374 of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Statute of the Russian Agency for Munitions 2002
Federal Law No. 63 on Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1996
Federal Law No. 86 On State Regulations in the Field of Genetic Engineering Activity 1996
Federal Law No. 183 On Decree of Export Control 1999
Federal Law No. 143 on Withdrawal of Reservations to 1925 Geneva Protocol 2000
Decree No. 973 Statute on Export and Import of Nuclear Materials, Equipment, Special Non-Nuclear Materials, and Related Technologies 2000
Government Directive 57 1998
Government Decree No 632 on Approval and Submission for Consideration by the President of the Russian Federation of a proposal for Revising and Enlarging the List of Disease Agents, Their Genetically Altered Forms and Fragments of Genetic Material Which Can Be Used to Develop Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons 1994
Government Decree No 1030 on Controlling the Fulfilment of Obligations to Guarantee the Use of Imported and Exported Dual-Use Goods (Services) for Declared Purposes 1993
Presidential Edict No. 1268 on Control of Exports from the Russian Federation of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies 1996
Presidential Edict No. 388 on Measures to Establish an Export Control System in Russia 1992
Law No. 4902-1 Addenda to the RSFSR Criminal Code and the RSFSR Code of Criminal Procedure 1993
Presidential Directive No 298rp on Control of Exports from the Russian Federation of Stimulants of Diseases and Man, Animals and Plant, and Their Genetically Altered Forms, Fragments of Genetic Material, and Equipment Which Can be Used to Develop Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxins Weapons 1994
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1172 on Approval of Provisions on Control over Export from the Russian Federation of Goods and Technologies of Double Assignment, the Export of Which is under control 1996
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1644-p on Creation of Russian Munitions Agency 2000
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 869 on State Registration of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances 1992
State Customs Committee Order No. 315 on Control Over the Export of Goods, Which Could Be Used in the Creation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missile Means of Delivery 1996
Loi N°47/2008 Du 09/09/2008 Relative A La Prévention et A La Répression Du Blanchiment De Capitaux Et Du Financement Du Terrorisme