Namibia (non-State Party)
Criminal Procedure Act, No 25, 2004
Financial Intelligence Act, No 3, 2007
Police Act, No 19, 1990
Namibia Central Intelligence Service Act, No 10, 1997
Labour Act, No 11, 2007
Labour Act, No 156, 1992: Regulations relating to the health and safety of employees at work (Government Gazette No 1617)
Animal Health Act, No 1, 2011
Plant Quarantine Act, No 7, 2008
Biosafety Act, No 7, 2006
Import and Export Control Act, No 30, 1994
Customs and Excise Act, No 20, 1998 Schedules
Namibian Ports Authority Act, No 2, 1994
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (in Nepali)
Terrorist and Disruptive Acts (Prevention and Punishment) Act, 2058 (2002)  
Extradition Act, 2045 (1988)   
Plant Protection Act, 2064 (2007)  
Plant Protection Rules, 2066 (2010)  
Vector-borne Disease Research and Training Development Board (Formation) Order, 2056 (2000)  
Nepal Health Research Council Act, 2047 (1991)  
Infectious Disease Act, 2020 (1964)  
Animal Health and Livestock Services Act, 2055 (1999)  
Customs Act, 2019 (1962)  
The Netherlands
Criminal Code
Criminal Procedure Code
Law on Economic Offenses
Law on International Crimes
Law on Extradition
Law on Occupational Health and Safety
Decree on Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety
Directive 2000/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 September 2000 on the protection of workers from risks related to exposure to biological agents at work
General Customs Law
Decree on Strategic Goods
Implementing Regulation on Strategic Goods 2012
Decree on the Mandate and Authorization Regarding Import and Export 2010
Law on Strategic Services
Implementing Regulation on Strategic Services  
Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items
Common Military List of the European Union 2011/C 86/01
Law on Transport of Dangerous Substances
Decree on Transport of Dangerous Substances
Regulation on Transport over Land of Dangerous Substances
Law on the Environment
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on Waste and Repealing Certain Directives
Decree on Environmental Legislation
Law on Public Health
Decree on Public Health
Law on the Health and Well-being of Animals
Law on Plant Diseases
New Zealand
Customs and Excise Act 1996
The Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act 1987
Counter-Terrorism Bill (11 August 2003 No. 27-2)
Report of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee (Counter Terrorism Bill)
Customs Export Prohibition Order 2002
Biosecurity Act 1993
Terrorism Suppression Act 2002
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
Health Act 1956
Código Penal (Ley No. 641 / 2008)
Código Procesal Penal (Ley 406 / 2001)
Código Penal Militar (Ley 566 / 2006)
Código De Procedimiento Penal Militar (Ley 617 / 2007)
Decreto Ejecutivo No. 28 de 21 de abril de 2005; reglamento a la ley especial para el control y regulación de armas de fuego, municiones, explosivos y otros materiales relacionados
Ley No. 510 de 25 de febrero de 2005; control y regulación de armas de fuego, municiones, explosivos y otros materiales relacionados
Ley general de transporte terrestre (Ley No. 524 de 2 de marzo de 2005) – art. 19, sustancias peligrosas
Ley Especial de Delitos Contra el Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (Ley No. 559, Aprobada el 26 de Octubre del 2005)
Ley No. 423, Ley General de Salud, 17 de mayo de 2002
Decreto Ejecutivo No. 108-2001del 26 de noviembre de 2001 el Comité Nacional para la implementación del “Plan Centroamericano de Cooperación Integral para prevenir y contrarrestar el terrorismo y actividades conexas.”
Ley 285 “Ley de Estupefacientes, Sicotrópicos y Otras Sustancias Controladas, Lavado de Dinero y Activos Provenientes de Actividades Ilícitas” fue creada el 25 de febrero de 2002.
Ley 228, “Ley de la Policía Nacional” publicada en La Gaceta 162 del 28 de agosto de 1996
Reglamento de la Ley de la Policía Nacional (Decreto No.26-96, del 25 de Octubre de 1996)
Ley General del Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (Ley 217 / 1996)
Ley Básica de Salud Animal y Sanidad Vegetal (Ley N.291 de 1998)
Reglamento de la Ley General de Salud (Decreto N.001-2003)
Reglamento de Inspección Sanitaria (Decreto No. 432 de 1989)
Reglamento a la Ley No. 29, Ley Básica de Salud Animal y Sanidad Vegetal (Decreto No.2-99)
Ley Básica para la Regulación y Control de Plaguicidas, Sustancias Tóxicas (Ley No. 274 de 5 de Noviembre de 1997)
Reglamento de la Ley No. 274, Ley Básica para la Regulación y Control de Plaguicidas, Sustancias Toxicas, Peligrosas y Otras Similares (Decreto N° 49-98 Publicado en la Gaceta No. 142, del 30 de julio 1998)
Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamericano (CAUCA) – Anexo de la Resolución No. 223-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX)
Reglamento del Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamericano – Anexo de la Resolución No. 224-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX)
Reglamento sobre el Régimen de Tránsito Aduanero Internacional Terrestre, Formulario de Declaración e Instructivo (Resolución 65-2001- COMRIEDRE)
Code de Justice Militaire (Loi nº 2003-010 du 11 mars 2003)
Instruction n°01/2007/RB du 2 juillet 2007 relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux au sein des organismes financiers (UEMOA)
Directive n° 07/2002/CM/UEMOA relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux dans les états membres de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Règlement N°09/2001/CM/UEMOA portant adoption du Code des Douanes de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Ordonnance Nº 2009-367 du 12 Novembre 2009 relative à la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme dans les États Membre de l’Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA)
Criminal Procedure Act
Terrorism (Prevention) Act
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act 2004
Money Laundering Act 2011
Extradition Act
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters within the Commonwealth (Enactment And Enforcement) Act
Animal Diseases (Control) Act
Biosafety Bill 2010
National Biodiversity Management Agency Bill 2009
National Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes) Regulations
Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency Act 2007
Labour Act
Biological Weapons Convention Act 2018
The Niue Act 1966
Proceeds of Crime Act 1998
Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1998
Extradition Act 2007
Notifiable Diseases Notice 1991
Animal Quarantine (Disease Control) Regulations 1991
Agriculture Quarantine Act 1984
Agriculture Quarantine (Prevention of Animal Disease) Regulations 1991
Plant Quarantine Regulations 1985
Biosafety (Genetically Modified Organisms) Regulations 2006
Environment Act 2003
Environment (Amendment) Act 2007
Customs Regulations 1968
Export Licences Regulations 1966
Export Prohibition Regulations 1953
General Civil Penal Code [extract]
Import and Export Act 1997
Ordinance of 10 January 1989 to implement regulations for strategic goods, services and technology
Strategic Goods Act 1987
Military Penal Code Section 107
Guidelines for Ministry for Foreign Affairs processing of applications to export arms, military materials, as well as technology and services for military use 1992

North Macedonia 

Criminal Code 2009

Criminal Code 2009

Law on Criminal Procedure (15/97, 44/02, 74/04, 15/05)

Law on Export Control of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies (2005)

Law on Trade (16/04)

Foreign Trade Law (31/93)

Customs Law (2006)

Law on Prevention of Laundering Money and other Proceeds from Crime (70/01, 46/04)

Law on Internal Affairs

Labour Relations Act

Law on Labour Inspection (35/97)

Law on the Environment (2005)

Law on Waste Management (6/04)

Law on Interception of Communications

Law on Protecting the Population from Contagious Diseases (2004)

Law on Plant Protection

Law on the Transport of Dangerous Substances
